
Monday 30 June 2014

Airport Visit

Sniff, Sniff, I smell kiwifruit! Time for my next treat!!

Our new inquiry is about Biosecurity. 'Biosecurity' is the protection of New Zealand's economy, environment and people's health and social and cultural wellbeing from pests and diseases. It includes trying to prevent new pests and diseases arriving, and eradicating or controlling those already present.

Yesterday we went to the airport to learn more about biosecurity. It was great to have a chance to watch the dogs smell and what their reaction is when finding a forbidden plant or food. We also learnt what type of things people bring in. Someone even tried to smuggle leaves in their underpants!!

Zane, the dog that smelt the fruit and vegetables in our pockets, was very enthusiastic for a treat. Wendy, the dog handler, hid some fruit and vegetables, including beef jerky, egg, kiwifruit, spring onion and garlic in our pockets and Zane had to find them. Zane was amazing he found everything and he even found a mandarin in Miss Glubb’s handbag! Every time that Zane found an item he would be stare adorably at Wendy for a treat.

Zane is a beagle who began this role when he was 2 years old. He is intelligent and his nose was really working overtime!!!! These dogs normally work for 7 – 9 years as long as their enthusiasm remains.


  1. Zoe 8C,
    Zane was really clever sniffing out garlic and herbs. I also really enjoyed the trip to the airport!

  2. Wow, thats really cool! I have been to the airport quite a few times and it is always really interesting when the beagles sniff my bags. No one has ever had problems with my bags, but I habe seen a couple of other people been caught. That was interesting!
